Your has two new pieces of functionality to support you in helping your clients get access to the products they need more easily.
Most practitioners and their clients wish that their store was more easily accessible for browsing and shopping without having to create an account. With our new dual-rendering store functionality, we now have the ability to show certain products to clients prior to requiring them to create an account. What this means - no more landing people on the account sign up page or the login page, now you can land them on your store's homepage where they can start the shopping process before being prompted to create an account.
How this works
With our manufacturer partners, we classified all products on the platform into three separate permission levels:
Please watch a full demonstration of a dual-rendering store here:
Currently, Level One Products appear just like they do once someone creates an account on your store. Level Two Products show a product card and have a product detail page, but do not show pricing prior to someone creating and account:
Level Three Products are not shown at all until a user creates an account with your store, but there are two persistent prompts to drive people to create an account - a product card that lets users know that there are more products to be viewed and shopped, and a banner in the search bar that lets people know the same thing:
All stores will be opted into this new functionality by default. If you do not want to have the functionality implemented on your store, please contact your account manager or to get it reversed.
This new functionality will allow you to:
Included in this release was the incorporation of a true Guest Checkout experience for products that do not require an account for viewing or purchasing. If a client lands on a Level One Product in your store and goes through to the checkout process, they have the opportunity to bypass setting up an account and can just use the guest checkout functionality to complete their purchase.
Both of these new pieces of functionality should allow you to more effectively drive clients to your store and have them successfully complete their intended purchase.
If you have any questions, please contact